Anton has extensive experience in industrial minerals, coal and diamonds. His career spans more than 40 years and includes the discoveries of several world-class deposits,
Anton starting his mining career in 1973, with Gold Fields of South Africa. In 1987 he was a founder member of Pangea Exploration (Pty) Limited. While with Pangea, he was instrumental in the discoveries of the high-grade Rhovan vanadium deposit, the Taaiboschspruit colliery and the Hillendale and Fairbreeze mineral sand deposits, as well as the re-evaluation of the 16-million-ounce Burnstone gold deposit, all in South Africa. He was responsible for the discovery of a number of gold deposits in Tanazania, including Tulawaka, Buzwagi and Golden Ridge, which attracted major players to that country. Anton was also responsible for the discovery of five titanium-zircon mineral sand deposits along the east African coast, including the Corridor Sands ilmenite and Kwale rutile and zircon deposits.
Now a director of PanEx Resources, he has generated a number of diamond and base metal projects throughout Africa and has worked on the development of rare earth, niobium and tin deposits.
Anton holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree from the University of Pretoria and a Master of Science (Mineral Exploration) degree (with distinction) from Rhodes University. He received the Dreyer Award from the Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration for outstanding achievements in applied economic geology. He was also the first recipient of the Des Pretorius Memorial Award, awarded by the Geological Society of South Africa for outstanding work in economic geology.
Helen is an exploration geologist with over 25 years’ management, operational and exploration experience.
After graduating, Helen started her career at Gencor, where she was primarily involved in gold exploration on the Witwatersrand. She joined Pangea Exploration (Pty) Limited in 1994 where, under her directorship, the small team was responsible for discovering a number of world-class deposits. These include the mineral sands deposits in Kenya, Mozambique, and Argentina; gold in Tanzania, the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and West Africa; and diamonds in the DRC, Central African Republic (CAR), Angola and South Africa. The Pangea team was also responsible for the re-evaluation of the multimillion-ounce Burnstone Wits gold deposit. Helen has been a member of numerous boards and technical committees of listed and private exploration and mining companies.
Helen holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Geoscience (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. She is a fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa and member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration USA (SME) and the Society for Economic Geologists (SEG).
Mike’s focus is on project development, mineral exploration and mining, particularly the open-pit mining of gold and platinum.
Mike’s professional career started with Anglo American in Zambia in 1957. He was involved in the discovery and development of Otjihase copper mine, Makonjwaan open pit gold mine, Sofala open pit gold mine and the Marsfontein and Klipspringer diamond mine. In addition, Mike was part of the team that developed the PPRust open pit platinum mine and reopened the Messina (now Limpopo) platinum mine. He was also instrumental in developing the Phosiri, Aurora, Grassvalley and Millenium platinum projects.
Mike is qualified in Geology and Geochemistry (University of Cape Town) and in Mining Engineering (RSM) and holds a Diploma in Business Management (UNISA). He is a fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and the Geological Society of South Africa, and a recipient of the Des Pretorius Memorial Award for Outstanding Work in Economic Geology.
Rob has over 20 years’ experience in exploration and project management. During his career at PanEx, he has gained experience in the search and development of kimberlite-hosted and alluvial diamond deposits in several southern African countries.
He is currently working on massive sulphide and stockwork-hosted gold and base metal deposits for PanEx. His previous experience includes working on Greenstone-hosted gold in South Africa, Birimian-hosted gold in West Africa, and iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) Olympic Dam-style mineralisation in South Africa and Zambia. In the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, he worked on the Merensky Reef and UG2 Reef-hosted Platinum Group Metals (PGM) projects. He has also worked on the Platreef-style disseminated platinum-nickel-copper deposits and PGM projects in China.
Rob holds a Master of Science degree in Geology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and a PhD in Geology from the University of the Witwatersrand.
PanEx Resources’s core business is mining project identification and development. This encompasses everything from discovery, through confirmatory drilling, interpretation and resource definition, metallurgical testwork, preliminary economic evaluation, raising of finance, preliminary and definitive engineering studies, assessment of environmental and social factors and security of tenure.